Recognizing the necessity of collective action to effectively tackle the climate crisis, Deloitte worked to advance our WorldClimate strategy, which consists of a three-pronged approach—actions we take, actions we inspire our people to take, and actions we take with clients and others in our ecosystem.
Deloitte has committed to achieving science-based net-zero emissions and we currently have a 1.5⁰ C near-term (2030) goal in place, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative. We are embedding sustainability into policies and practices throughout the organization and measuring performance against our goals.
In addition, we continue to make strong progress in realizing our commitments to all three core initiatives of the Climate Group supporting the advancement of renewable electricity (RE100), electric vehicle adoption (EV100) and energy efficiency/productivity (EP100). For instance, 91 percent of the energy Deloitte purchased in FY2022 was renewable energy. Along with Deloitte’s own operations, we are also reviewing our global supply chains more closely to help ensure procurement sustainability. We are working to quantify Deloitte emissions across our organization’s entire supply chain.
As we translate our ambition into action, we also continue to examine environmental issues more widely—for example, looking at our impact on nature and biodiversity, as well as our carbon footprint. Biodiversity is critical to the health of the planet, and while our organization’s direct impacts in this area are limited, Deloitte supports nature-positive solutions and will assess impacts throughout our value chain.
Deloitte is also working with Indigenous peoples in Australia, Asia and Canada, among other geographies, to advance nature-based climate solutions. We recognize the importance of collaborating with these communities to honor their knowledge and to support Indigenous-led climate solutions. In addition, Deloitte has published insights into environmental issues impacting Indigenous peoples, including When day comes, a report on reframing the relationship between the mining industry and Australia’s First Peoples.