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The future challenges facing criminal justice systems

The challenges facing criminal justice systems stem from the megatrends shaping the future of criminal justice across the globe.

Though its impact is not yet clear, COVID-19 will surely continue to be felt over generations—in health, education, employment, and beyond. And any change that affects patterns of social life nearly always affects crime patterns. Understanding and responding to these patterns is the focus of this paper, which provides a glimpse of the future of criminal justice through the following lenses:

  • Review the past: Megatrends and common shocks
  • Nowcast: Today’s big issues and leading-edge developments
  • Dream the future: Imagined possibilities

Based on these views, Deloitte has created distinct scenarios that can be used to inform real-world planning. While the “nowcast” and “dream the future” steps will vary greatly from country to country—altering the future planning scenarios as well—the megatrends shaping the world as a whole are expected to apply to justice systems in every country.

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