Deloitte assists organizations in managing their complete regulatory and strategic risks life cycle, as well as structuring, implementing, and monitoring their compliance programs.
Adopt governance mechanisms that enable business to be monitored by the Board of Directors, based on best practices, ensuring transparency, fairness, accountability and corporate responsibility.
Identify risks arising from disruptive trends, technologies and business models that can impact competitive advantage, market position and long-term performance, destroying value or the business in its entirety.
Identify risks arising from disruptive trends, technologies and business models that can impact competitive advantage, market position and long-term performance, destroying value or the business in its entirety.
Identify, monitor and respond to internal and external risks that impact stakeholder perceptions of credibility, quality and other attributes that may affect the brand and / or organizational reputation.
Our solutions in this area:
Brand strategy and reputation;
Brand protection and reputation;
Brand and reputation resilience;
Governance, measurement and continuous improvement of brand and reputation.
Prepare to monitor crisis scenarios, respond to and recover from events of the genre, including execution of plans, staff training, communication strategies with stakeholders, recovery and mitigation of damages.
Develop, monitor, ensure and report on sustainability missions addressing the social, ethical, environmental and other non-financial issues of key stakeholders.
Our solutions in this area:
Strategy, risk assessment, reporting and assurance;
Sustainable supply chain advice;
Compliance and advice in health, safety and occupational medicine;
With constant changes in the global environment, organizations need to enhance their ability not only to detect signs of risk, but also to identify new opportunities.
Deloitte's Risk Sensing helps organizations navigate this complex scenario by providing real-time predictive intelligence so they can prepare more quickly and effectively. This is possible by accessing more than 800,000 data sources in 195 countries and 80 languages.
In Brazil, Deloitte has the Center for Regulatory Excellence and Corporate Governance, an initiative that brings together a set of solutions in a platform of integral support to directors and executives of various functions in companies to perform their duties. The goal is to support the alignment of the strategic objectives with an adequate management of corporate risks.