Objective: the reform aims at rendering our economy resilient, innovative, and sustainable, so that Belgium is not only competitive compared to other countries but stands out compared to these. This will be realized through cost reductions for enterprises and the stimulation of innovation.
Cost reductions for enterprises
- Reduction of labour costs for low and middle wage earners; Introduction of a (high) wage ceiling for the levying of the employer's social security contribution, which will lower the cost price of older workers and higher profiles on the labour market.
- Reduction of energy costs for energy-intensive companies that are in competition with foreign companies.
- Innovative companies in the field of maritime transport must be able to continue to benefit from the tonnage tax system.
Stimulation of innovation
- Maintain existing R&D incentives and improve their impact.
- Better access to these incentives for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises.
- Better targeting of the innovation income deduction by tightening its scope of application and introducing the requirement of a European patent.
- Resources are reallocated by decreasing the innovation income deduction from 85% to 80% on the one hand and increasing the investment deduction for research & development on the other hand.
- Increase the partial wage tax exemption for researchers in the private sector from 80% to 85%.
- Tackling of the improper use of the partial wage tax exemption; evaluation and adjustment of the existing exemption for holders of a bachelor’s degree.
Preserving the attractivity of Belgium for foreign investments
- Improvement of the tax regime for in-bound taxpayers to attract and retain international talent to Belgium.
- More attractive and simpler system of fiscal consolidation; more flexible application of the interest deduction limitation; The foreign tax credit and all investment deductions can be carried forward.
- Accelerated depreciation of certain investments, e.g. in research and development.
- More legal certainty for R&D investments by setting up a separate 'research and development' unit within the administration.
- Possibility of recognition as a "research centre" for enterprises realizing structural R&D, triggering long term certainty. Incentives for such research centres are reinforced.
- Establishment of a separate 'investments' unit fore Belgian and foreign enterprises investing in Belgium, coupled with a specific rapid ruling procedure for large investment files.