In today’s business world of new advancements and shifts in technology, globalization and demographics, boards face the challenge of ensuring their organizations are effectively and appropriately aligning themselves to succeed in this “new world of work.” On the board’s agenda is a series of articles set to be released every 6-8 weeks and will share insights on how boards can surge their organizations forward both cohesively and successfully while facing the challenges of today. Each issue will examine a single topic in detail, and will include the perspectives of a Deloitte professional with deep expertise in the subject matter as well as the views of an experienced external expert on the topic.
To obtain additional information and insights on corporate governance topics please visit our Global Center for Corporate Governance website.
A good crisis response is, of course, about swiftly addressing what has gone wrong, but it is also about being externally focused—communicating to stakeholders, shareholders, regulators— and it is about making big decisions that have a significant impact on the future of the organization. It should be an integral part of the wider organization’s resilience measures and not simply something to deploy when all other options have failed.
There are actions boards can take now—and questions they can ask—to give themselves comfort that the organization is prepared to manage a crisis. When the stakes are high and scrutiny is intense, the board has a unique role. Stepping in may be uncomfortable, but stepping aside is not an option.
On the board’s agenda | September 2019
Corporate social purpose is broader than traditional corporate social responsibility activities and encompasses how the core business delivers positive economic, social, and environmental impact in the world. This On the Board’s Agenda explores how social purpose strategies, programs, and investments can be important assets, and how boards might enhance their oversight of their companies’ social purpose roles and actions.
On the board's Agenda | July 2018
The integration of digital and physical technologies is accelerating, enhancing companies’ ability to increase operational excellence and grow in ways that may not have been possible just a couple of years ago. This phenomenon, known as Industry 4.0, suggests a new revolution that enables smart, connected technologies to transform organizations, operations, and the workforce by increasing information flow, creating new insights, and revolutionizing business models.
On the board's Agenda | June 2018
Recent corporate scandals linked to problematic company cultures have resulted in questions such as "where was the board?" and "shouldn’t the board have known?" In some cases, board members themselves may have wondered why they were not informed of cultural problems and asked, "should we have conducted more due diligence?" These and similar questions, and the responsibility to protect both their companies’ and their own reputations, are leading directors to look for ways to better monitor corporate culture and to understand potential cultural risks and address problems before they get out of control.
On the Board’s Agenda | April 2018
Sustainability, which encompasses environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns, is increasingly positioned at the top of board agendas, and is now central to corporate competitiveness and a company’s continued ability to operate. Sustainability affects all sectors and challenges even the most progressive companies and the most thoughtful directors.
Deloitte sees sustainability securing more time at and in between board meetings, in part because there is no single, standardized approach to incorporating ESG into boardroom discussions on business strategy and risk. The stakes are high, and directors need to act now to recognize sustainability as a fundamental element of their stewardship and fiduciary role.
There are a number of steps boards can consider and questions they can ask to gain a better command of emerging sustainability risks and changing stakeholder expectations—to read more please download this edition of our On the board’s agenda series.
On the Board’s Agenda | March 2018
Cyber risk is a top-level business risk that boards may find challenging to oversee and difficult to address. By using a maturity mode for board stewardship of cyber risk and understanding the actions available at each level of maturity, boards can accelerate their transition from awareness to meaningful oversight.
On the Board’s Agenda | February 2018