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Global Public Policy Committee

The Global Public Policy Committee (GPPC) brings together senior leaders from the six large international accounting networks (BDO, Deloitte, EY, Grant Thornton, KPMG and PwC).

The GPPC is focused on professional matters of global scope deemed to be priorities by their respective networks. The GPPC’s primary objectives are to participate constructively in matters concerning global public policy to advance the public interest and to enhance confidence in the profession.

The GPPC also serves as a forum for communication and constructive dialogue with a number of global regulatory bodies and stakeholders, such as:

  • International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR)
  • Financial Stability Board (FSB)
  • Monitoring Group (MG)
  • International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)

The GPPC has established several standing working groups that are focused on key subject areas, such as:

  • Regulatory Working Group (RWG) and European Contact Group (ECG) – Provides the GPPC constructive input on regulatory and standard-setting topics globally and in the EU, respectively.
  • Standard-setting Working Group (SSWG) – Engages with regulators and standard-setting bodies to promote high-quality audit, ethics, and independence standards in the public interest.
  • Banking Working Group (BWG) and Insurance Working Group (IWG) – Engages policymakers in the Banking and Insurance sectors on relevant topics.


Each participating network appoints two representatives, who are selected by their CEO to speak on behalf of their network. The Chair of the GPPC is selected for a two-year term by GPPC member consensus.

To the greatest extent possible, members of the GPPC and its working groups are designed to include all major geo-political regions of the world, as diverse, global perspectives are critical elements to the effectiveness of the GPPC.

The Center for Audit Quality (CAQ), which is based in the United States, serves as an observer to the GPPC.

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Recent publications and materials

The GPPC and its working groups have developed various materials including white papers, consultation responses, and guidelines including the following:

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