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Communicate with other key financial stakeholders

Business continuity & financing | Respond: Prepare for and manage continuity

Navigating the Supply Chain Impact of COVID-19

Resiliency in the Extended Enterprise

As the effects of the coronavirus are felt around the world, businesses are now facing weeks, if not months, of uncertain trading conditions. Whether it is your business, your supplier’s business, or your customer’s business, there is potential to suffer disruption along the supply chain. This article explores how businesses need to think ahead and be ready to resolve these challenges, protecting their future while preserving important commercial relationships.

Topics covered in this article include:
  • Identifying and assessing genuine exposure by adopting a systematic methodology
  • Using a hands-on approach to engage with critical third parties and fully understand their situation.
  • Developing contingency plans and mitigation strategies that can respond preemptively to risk  

Respond to the impact of COVID-19

Crisis Management Support through Stakeholder Management

In this piece, Deloitte Global examines the impact of COVID-19 from a crisis communication and stakeholder management perspective and the necessity to establish control over management of the issue. One of the key aspects to control is crisis communications and stakeholder engagement. The way that the organization communicates and engages with its internal and external stakeholders, sharing with them what it is doing to make things right, really matters.

Insight and lessons:
  • Communication strategy and stakeholder management approach
  • Communication inside and outside the organization
  • Communication early and often
  • Engaging with critical suppliers
  • Remain in contact with key stakeholders

Navigating the impact of COVID-19 on accounting operations

The pressure to deliver timely, accurate information

It is clear that finance functions will need to quickly adapt to the direct and indirect impacts of COVID-19. This is specifically relevant from a financial reporting perspective, with challenges mounting related to immediate reporting requirements. This article discusses how COVID-19 is affecting financial accounting and reporting, the capacity of the finance function, cash flow reporting, and stakeholder reporting.

Topics in this article include:
  • Common accounting issues that need to be considered in light of COVID-19 impact
  • How to address capacity constraints finance teams will face due to disruptions and increased demand
  • Addressing cash flow reporting requirements and stakeholder communications strategy

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