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Sandra Sucher


Sandra Sucher is an internationally recognized trust researcher and professor of management practice at Harvard Business School. She is an advisor to the Edelman Trust Barometer and has collaborated with Deloitte Global on TrustIQ™, a proprietary tool that measures key elements of trust in major corporations and public sector organizations. At Harvard, Sucher studies how organizations become trusted and the vital role that leaders play in this process. The Power of Trust: How Companies Earn It, Lose It, Regain It, is her third book. It is based on two decades of research on global companies’ best practices and provides a practical framework for how organizations can think through the elements of trust—competence, motives, means, impact—to emerge with a new understanding of the business, economic, and societal importance of trust and how to regain it once lost. Sucher was a business executive for 20 years before joining Harvard. As a senior executive at Fidelity Investments, Sucher measured customer loyalty, redesigned back-office operations, and improved the quality of service. Sucher has served on corporate and nonprofit boards, and as chairwoman of the Better Business Bureau.