
How consumption-based billing is making SaaS costs fairer

Part of the On Cloud Podcast series

Traditional subscription-based billing methods for SaaS are increasingly unpalatable for customers. To address the issue, many SaaS vendors are turning to consumption-based billing solutions

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Transforming SaaS cost structures with consumption-based billing

Subscription-based billing methods for SaaS products aren’t flexible, and they’re often not fair. Drop-in metered billing solutions change that dynamic by enabling consumption-based billing—with customer-chosen metrics—for SaaS. The result? For customers, a more equitable billing structure with improved cost control. For software vendors (or any company looking to monetize home-grown software), the ability to build a more flexible, customer-driven product and get it to market faster.


The closer you can get to the actual usage—the usage and value of the product in terms of the price, that's when you have really happy customers.

Akash Khanolkar is cofounder of Octane, a drop-in, metered billing system that gives businesses the flexibility to bill how they want.



SaaS is the future of software, and that future is now

Old software paradigm: Update every five years and bear the cost and the pain. New paradigm: Move to SaaS and get continuous updates with less complexity.

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Bringing software to the cloud: A blueprint for success

Getting a SaaS product to market starts with establishing relationships with cloud providers and partnering with them to meet their customers' critical needs.


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Cloud, in context

Cloud is more than technology. It’s about making cloud work for your business. Our hosts, David Linthicum and Mike Kavis, deliver their unique perspectives around the technology, business, and culture of cloud to help you achieve your cloud goals. Topics range from an enterprise-level, strategic look at cloud to practical information on the people, processes, and technology that can make cloud work better for your organization.

David is a top cloud influencer and author of 13 books plus thousands of articles on cloud. Mike is the author of two books, including the recently published Accelerating Cloud Adoption, and won the 2010 AWS Global Startup Challenge. They know cloud. Listen to the Deloitte On Cloud podcast to get the information you need to achieve your possible with cloud.

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