


公衛危機衝擊國內外旅遊市場 | 疫情中展現韌性-人性化體驗創造新價值 | 人性化體驗的關鍵要素-「分享」與「嘗試」

  • 預計2020年全球旅館業的住房率預估減少42%。
  • 全球航空旅遊的需求預計銳減48%,並損失約3,000億美元。
  • 消費者感受到飯店的人性體驗時,平均每晚可帶來相較同業高出三成的效益。





即使在疫情衝擊之下,我們仍然看到許多業者展現韌性,從困境中逆勢突圍。這些成功突圍的業者,投入許多心力,深刻的瞭解其客戶的需求,並透過分眾服務提供深度體驗,趁機鞏固顧客忠誠度,也吸引新客上門。勤業眾信長期倡導「提升人性體驗(Elevate the Human Experience, EHXTM)」的主張,並提出價值羅盤(Values Compass)的工具,以協助業者建立自己的品牌價值,並與顧客在人性體驗上建立深度的連結。



在勤業眾信的價值羅盤(Values Compass)之中,我們標示了人性體驗的8個價值,分別是:好奇(Curiosity)、分享(Sharing)、歸屬感(Belonging)、關懷(Caring)、掌控(Control)、學習(Learning)、企圖心(Ambition)、嘗試(Trying)。以旅遊產業而言,經常旅遊,且對於特定品牌或企業有高度忠誠的顧客,顯然會是旅遊市場中最快復甦的一塊。因此,勤業眾信以價值羅盤中的8個價值為出發點,分析參與航空業者與旅館業者「忠誠計畫」(Loyalty Plan)的會員,以了解這些忠誠客戶最關注的價值有哪些。



在「後疫情」時代,我們相信旅遊產業業者是否能快速復甦,將與它們能否正確傳達「人性體驗」予其客戶有高度的相關。而勤業眾信相信,我們的價值羅盤(Values Compass)工具,能夠幫助業者將其「忠誠計畫」,與顧客所關注的核心價值緊密連結,在「後疫情」時代乘風破浪,再創高峰。


Typically delighted by a complimentary beverage in the lobby during check-in, hotel guests of the future might be even more excited to be treated to unlimited hand sanitizer. Let’s face it, the COVID-19 pandemic has heavily impacted the travel and hospitality sectors. Hotel occupancy is down 42% year-over year (YoY) with roughly 80% of hotel rooms empty. Air travel demand is forecasted to fall 48% for 2020, with a projected loss of $300 billion.

With our present reality looking grim, brands are shifting focus to their action plans coming out of the pandemic. While nobody knows exactly what these new realities will look like, businesses will actively work towards stabilization and recovery, which in travel and hospitality means ensuring that a brand’s most valuable customers return as quickly as possible. It’s too early to base long-term recommendations on current transactional trends and customer actions, so instead we’re monitoring the underlying motivators of human behaviors, actions, and beliefs - their values.


