
Construction Predictions 2020

O que vai acontecer no setor da construção nos próximos meses?

A Deloitte analisa as tendências e partilha agora consigo as suas conclusões.


O relatório Construction Predictions 2020 foi desenvolvido por sete firmas membro da Deloitte, entre as quais Portugal, que cooperaram para desvendar o futuro do setor.

As Construction Predictions 2020 incluem 12 tendências com destaque para: novos métodos de construção; impacto da transformação digital na estratégia das empresas do setor; internacionalização das empresas chinesas.


Conheça todas as previsões em detalhe:

Prediction 1: The Age of With… AI in construction and infrastructure. Creating value through data

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Prediction 2: Governance and controls for large infrastructure projects

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Prediction 3: Compliance, ethics and transparency

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Prediction 4: Modern Methods of Construction

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Prediction 5: Dawn of a new era. Digital and advanced technologies are reshaping the E&C sector

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Prediction 6: The impact of digital transformation on construction companies’ diversified strategy

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Prediction 7: The Engineering and construction multinational enterprises: The future of taxation under the OECD’s Pillars One and Two

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Prediction 8: Digital Construction: incorporating digital technologies into the construction industry

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Prediction 9: Standardization and Process Automation: Key Aspects for Cost Efficiency in Construction

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Prediction 10: Putting the construction sector at the core of the climate change debate

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Prediction 11: Creating a better world: Circularity in Construction

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Prediction 12: Internationalization of Chinese Construction Enterprises

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