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Tīheru scholarship

Applications open now

Submit your application for the Tīheru scholarship

Korihi te manu

Takiri mai I te ata

Ka ao, ka ao, ka awatea

Tihei (wa) Mauri Ora!


Tīheru will cultivate mentorship and support young Māori studying towards a career in professional services. The recipients will develop deep relationships with Deloitte for the duration of their studies, offering ongoing support from the Hourua Pae Rau community as well as a paid summer internship.

Tīheru directly seeks out rangatahi Māori who are about to embark on their higher education journey. To reach these rangatahi, we will leverage our connections through Hourua Pae Rau, Iwi and Hapū connections to the firm, and our Deloitte Grow programme educators. Recipients will receive a monetary benefit which can go towards study and living costs.

Join our team, Hourua Pae Rau, as you navigate your studies into your future career pathway. Our team will support you on your voyage with access to Māori professionals who work for Māori communities, giving you insight into the possibilities of working alongside your whānau.

Submit your application for the Tīheru scholarship here. 


Tīheru Scholarship

Tīheru will cultivate mentorship and support young
Māori studying towards a career in professional
services. The recipients will develop deep relationships
with Deloitte for the duration of their studies, offering
ongoing support from the Hourua Pae Rau community
as well as a paid summer internship.