


Vöktunarmiðstöð okkar fylgist með atburðaskráningum úr kerfum fyrirtækja 24/7/365 og bregst við samkvæmt fyrirfram ákveðnum ferlum.

As it becomes increasingly difficult to prevent infiltrations and unauthorized activity, organizations need threat awareness and advanced detection solutions to rapidly identify anomalous activity in their environments. Deloitte’s vigilant services integrate threat data, IT data, and business data to equip security teams with context-rich intelligence to proactively detect and manage cyberthreats, and respond more effectively to cyber incidents. We help organizations understand their threat landscape—who might attack and why—and build situational awareness to stay ahead of threats.

Threat Intelligence

We help organizations drive visibility into cyber threats with meaningful and actionable insights, based on their business and technology profiles. The Intelligence drives security operations and enables informed business decisions about managing risk.

Threat Monitoring and Analytics

We help organizations design, build and manage analytics platforms to monitor and respond to threats and risks that are impacting their business. Our threat intelligence, modeling and hunting services are core components of this capability aimed to enhance the visibility in the User Behavior, Cloud and IoT/OT monitoring space.

Attack Surface and Vulnerability Management

We help organizations analyze their digital footprint and develop their unique cyber threat landscape. Intelligence assists with prioritizing actions required within organizations’ Vulnerability Management by mapping vulnerabilities to exploit activity observed in the industry.

Nánari upplýsingar veitir:

Alma Tryggvadóttir

Alma Tryggvadóttir

Director, Áhætturáðgjöf

Alma hefur starfað í Áhætturáðgjöf Deloitte frá árinu 2023. Þar vinnur hún við ráðgjöf og verkefnastýringu á sviði net- og upplýsingaöryggis, m.a. stefnumótandi úttektir netöryggismála auk þess að sin... Meira