Life at Deloitte


At the heart of our talent strategy

Bringing different people, with different ways of thinking, together in collaboration is how positive change happens; it is essential to our success. At Deloitte Greece, we are determined to create a truly inclusive firm that fully reflects the make-up of our society. A place where all individuals feel that they can be their real selves, be heard, and respected. Where all can thrive, develop and succeed based on talent, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or any other dimension that can be used to differentiate people from one another.

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Our ALL IN strategy aims to develop an even more inclusive workplace, that enables authentic and genuine ideas exchange, and create professional relationships based on mutual respect and trust. The ‘Be Respectful’ campaign is at the heart of our focus on Respect & Inclusion.

At Deloitte Greece, we invest in our people and their needs. We fight bias and stereotypes through specially designed programs, sponsorship and mentoring and we provide equal opportunities for growth and development to all our employees.

As inclusion is a core and vital pillar of our culture and strategy, we provide training and e- learnings to our employees in order to make sure that everyone is aware and understands the impact the biases and prejudices have both on a day-to-day level and long-term.

We do not tolerate any behavior contrary to our values. Professionalism and respect are essential to create a healthy and inclusive work environment. We provide to our employees the appropriate support and channels to report behaviors that fall short of our standards discretely and confidentially.

Since 2020, Deloitte Greece also became a signatory of the European Diversity Charter showing its commitment to respect, inclusion, fairness and equality at the workplace.

Agile Working

Deloitte is committed to developing working practices through a combination of formal and informal arrangements, that support agility in terms of where, when and how we work.

With the right consideration given to individual needs, those of the team and the nature of the work, our “Deloitte Goes Agile” program provides a framework for our people to consider a blend of day-to-day actions and formal options, which help them to manage the balance between demanding personal and professional priorities.

At Deloitte Greece, our approach is underpinned by three principles: trust and respect; focus on output; and open two-way communication. For this reason, we provide to our employees a variety of flexible working arrangements such as Smart Working days, part-time opportunities and the option of sabbatical leaves.


At Deloitte Greece, we aspire to cultivate a culture where our people feel empowered to nourish themselves and live an enriched life. We aim to provide to our employees the inspiration, support and tools to be at their best both personally and professionally. One of the main priorities is to improve our employees’ physical and psychological health long term, to enhance the purpose of Deloitte community while promoting a sustainable work-life balance.

We host a program of wellbeing events and activities such as webinars, live & virtual sessions and creative challenges that promote physical exercise, psychological wellbeing, healthy eating and communication both in live and virtual basis. Taking care of our people’s mental wellbeing is also a priority and for this reason, we provide to our employees 24/7 psychological support and at the same time, we organize activities to increase awareness about mental health and self-care

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