supply chain management - group of business people

About Us

Inter­national Commer­cial and Distri­bution Law

Purchase and Distri­bution schemes, Inter­national Sale of Goods, etc.

Legal and contractual frameworks for supply chain management and distribution networks are essential to helping businesses operate smoothly worldwide.

Deloitte Legal professionals have extensive experience in supporting domestic as well as cross-border transactions in all major industries. Our approach is to avoid disputes and litigation by drafting and negotiating appropriate, unambiguous and enforceable contracts at all stages of the supply chain.

Deloitte Legal specialists take businesses' commercial objectives and translate them into robust contractual documentation including general terms and conditions appropriate to a variety of distribution (e.g. agency, dealership, franchising and commission), supply, logistics and transportation agreements as well as export regulations and customs.

Our range of advisory services includes inter alia:

  • Purchase and distribution schemes, i.e. including but not limited to franchise, distributorship / authorized dealers, sales agents including any questions related to contracting and termination as well as liability within the supply chain
  • Transportation, logistics and project business, i.e. including but not limited to advisory in connection with mitigation / acknowledgement of risks (e.g. INCOTERMS, retention of title, insurance, limitation of liability)
  • International sale of goods, i.e. including but not limited to questions related to the governing law as well as enforcement of claims deriving from cross-border transactions, CISG
  • E-commerce, i.e. comprehensive advisory regarding online sales schemes as well as the legally compliant design of web shops
  • General terms and conditions, i.e. review and drafting of standard business terms for purchases and deliveries
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