
Michal Černý

Audit & Assurance


Michal Černý

Churchill I

Italská 2581/67

Praha 2

Česká republika

120 00

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Michal Černý is a Director in the Audit function of Deloitte Czech Republic. He joined Deloitte in 2003 and has 15 years of experience in audit. 

Michal is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). In 2016, he became a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA). He spent six months working at Deloitte Cork in Ireland.

Michal has extensive experience with the audit of financial statements under IFRS, US GAAP and Czech accounting standards. His clients include retail and technology companies where he applies innovative tools, namely those related to data analysis. He is responsible for the development of innovative solutions within the audit function.

Michal Černý