
Human Centered Design

Unlocking Transformational Change in Insurance Operations

"Human Centered Design", an inspiring short video, focuses on transformational change in insurance operations. It is an introduction to Deloitte's Human Centered Design approach to discover initiatives and our agile delivery model, which support transformative change within operations and tackle the key challenges in insurance sector nowadays. In this video, several insurance subject matter experts, Joanna, Phillip, Ben and Loon, will give an in-depth interpretation of Human Centered Design, together with Agile, and how it helps unlock transformational change in insurance operations:

  • Introduction of Human Centered Design
    Traditional methods of extracting requirements usually focus on what technologies are out there in the market, how processes are executed today and how to best match those with business needs. Different from the traditional method, Human Centered Design starts with human experiences, within Operations those of the employees and customers, to identify the behaviors which need to change to bring about desired outcomes. It is a problem solving philosophy that focuses on users’ needs that are intuitive and deliver maximum value.

  • Leveraging Human Centered Design approach to solve operational challenges in the insurance sector
    We recently worked with a large global life insurer to redesign the customer journey for their claims processes with an aim to provide best-in-class customer experience. Based on our analysis, we first identified the employee and customer behaviors we wanted to change. Through the experience mapping workshops, we acquired better understanding of internal and external pain points. To put employees and customers' needs at the center of these initiatives, we conducted deeper conversations to identify unique, innovative and differentiating elements in the future state. Through this transformation, we redefined the claims adjudicator's roles, reduced inefficiency, and improved customer interaction and employee engagement. 

  • Using agile to implement the new design swiftly to ensure speed to the ever-charging market
    While Human Centered Design provided insights into how we can improve the customer experience by addressing their pain points and needs, we still need an efficient way to implement the new design – which is Agile. In Agile delivery, everyone in the team had a clear role, from product manager to scrum master to the development team. Scrum master would run ceremonies such as sprint planning to ensure each team member's commitment to their user story and sprint retrospective to ensure we continue with what went well and work on the area of improvement. Agile manifesto also promotes co-creation with customers and minimum viable product, with iterations for continuous improvement in each sprint. Ultimately, we delivered the final product event 1 sprint ahead of schedule, reduced the costs by 15% and improved customer satisfactions by 30%.

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