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Mobility of the Future

Exploring Mobility Trends and their Impact on the Insurance Business

The dynamics of mobility behaviour are undergoing a remarkable shift, significantly altering how individuals engage with different modes of transportation. This transformation encompasses diverse approaches to mobility and is directly influencing the insurance landscape.

To explore the impact of mobility trends on the insurance business, Deloitte conducted a proprietary survey of more than 1,000 Swiss residents. This study reveals insights into mobility trends and related opportunities – both for insurance customers and the insurance business.

Mobility of the Future

Key trends shaping mobility

The transformation is mainly fuelled by three interconnected trends: shared mobility, autonomous driving, and the rise of mobility ecosystems.

These three trends are not only altering traditional concepts of mobility but are also influencing the interaction of stakeholders in the mobility landscape.

Navigating this evolving landscape requires a deep understanding of these trends and implications. With our study we want to shine some light on the status of mobility trends and their implications.

Declining demand for private vehicle ownership

The survey reveals the enduring popularity of privately owned vehicles yet forecasts a shrinking target group in the future.

Contributors: We are grateful to Paul-Frederic Vandrey and Daria Maddalozzo for their valuable inputs to this report.

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