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Pricing your service as-a-solution

Adapting your commercial strategy to reflect XaaS specific challenges

In today's dynamic business landscape, companies are increasingly turning to service-based models to meet changing market needs and maximize monetization. When companies transition from their traditional sales model to an Everything-as-a-Service model, they are usually moving from a fixed to a recurring revenue stream. This shift leads to an array of pricing implications that need to be taken into consideration.

Designing the right pricing model based on your value proposition

Driven by your value proposition and chosen commercial model, specific subscription pricing models can be leveraged to further maximize monetization.

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Everything-as-a-service (XaaS) models offer a wide range of potential units of measure that can be used to determine pricing. When developing an XaaS model, businesses shift away from one-time price points, such as the initial purchase of software or hardware, setup or implementation fees, or one-off customization charges. Instead, they adopt recurring pricing moments.

Within the realm of recurring pricing moments, different pricing models can be employed, including subscription models, pay-per-use models, performance-sharing models, or support services. Once a well-suited and preferred pricing model has been selected, several pricing metrics can be applied to price your solution. Here are some examples of possible pricing models and related metrics:

  1. Subscription Models: In subscription pricing models, customers pay a recurring fee at regular intervals (such as monthly, quarterly, or annually) to access and use a specific service or set of services. This model provides predictable costs and allows businesses to budget effectively while enjoying ongoing access to the service. Pricing metrics can be based on time, level of service, usage, numbers of users, and more.
  2. Pay-per-use Models: In a pay-per-use pricing model, customers are charged based on the actual usage or consumption of the service, thereby offering flexibility and cost efficiency. The pricing is directly tied to the resources utilized. The pricing metric could be units consumed, hours used, data transferred, or any other relevant metric directly related to the usage of the product or service.
  3. Performance-sharing Models: This pricing model aligns the interests of the customer and service provider, as the payment is directly linked to the desired outcomes or performance levels. The payment is contingent upon meeting predefined performance metrics or targets. The pricing metric is linked to the outcome of the service, such as revenue generated, cost savings realized, or any other predefined key performance indicators (KPIs).
  4. Support Services: In this pricing model, customers pay for additional assistance, guidance, or technical support related to the utilization of a service. The pricing is based on the level of support required or the complexity of the customer's environment. The pricing metric can be the number of support tickets, response time, or the scope of support provided.

These examples demonstrate how different XaaS pricing models can utilize distinct pricing metrics to determine pricing based on the outcome for the client and the way your solution is being used. It's important for businesses to assess their specific offering, target market, and customer preferences to determine the most suitable pricing model and pricing metrics for their XaaS solution.v

Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a crucial goal for XaaS business models. Focusing on up-selling and expansion strategies can help increase CLV by driving additional revenue from existing customers. There are different actions you can take to maximize the CLV:

  1. Understand Customer Needs and Behaviors: Gain a deep understanding of your customers' needs, preferences, and usage patterns. Analyze their interactions with your product or service to identify opportunities for up-selling and expansion. This includes understanding their pain points, identifying gaps in their current usage, and recognizing their potential for growth.
  2. Segment Customers for Targeted Offers: Segment your customer base based on various factors such as demographics, behavior, usage, and purchasing history. This segmentation allows you to create targeted offers that are specifically tailored to each customer segment's needs and preferences. By personalizing your up-selling and expansion efforts, you can increase the likelihood of customer acceptance and success.
  3. Develop Value-Added Offerings: Create value-added offerings that complement your core product or service. These can be additional features, premium upgrades, or specialized packages that provide enhanced benefits to customers. The value-added offerings should align with customer needs and be perceived as valuable and relevant.
  4. Offer Trials and Pilots: Provide customers with the opportunity to try out new features or expansions before committing fully. Trials and pilots can help alleviate any perceived risks and allow customers to experience the value firsthand. This approach can increase adoption rates and provide an avenue for upselling once customers see the benefits in action.
  5. Analyze and Optimize: Continuously analyze data and customer feedback to measure the effectiveness of your up-selling and expansion strategies. Identify areas for improvement, track conversion rates, and monitor the impact on CLV. Use the insights gained to refine your approaches, messaging, and offerings to optimize results.

When monitoring the performance of XaaS pricing, it's important to track key performance indicators (KPIs) that provide insights into the effectiveness and profitability of your pricing strategy. Below are some of the key KPIs you can consider implementing: