
Frontline workforce management for transportation, hospitality, and services 

Improving employee performance and engagement

In the era of digital transformation and dynamic organizational needs, when advances in technology are disrupting work, jobs, organizations, and in some cases whole industries, remarkably, the unique needs of frontline workers of the world are often overlooked. Learn how the transportation, hospitality, and services industry can better manage, engage, and equip its frontline workers to drive positive business outcomes.

Prioritizing human performance

Deloitte’s 2024 Global Human Capital Trends research points to the idea that prioritizing human sustainability—the degree to which the organization creates value for people as human beings—can drive not only better human outcomes but better business outcomes, too, in a mutually reinforcing cycle. This combination of human and business outcomes is what we call “human performance.” Because it’s humans, more than physical assets, that truly drive business performance today.

The good news is that most leaders already understand that focusing on human performance is key to building an organization that can thrive today and tomorrow. But to close the gap between knowing and doing, they’ll need to let go of the mindsets, operating constructs, and proxies of the past—like moving beyond the industrial-era mindset that positioned frontline workers as just “cogs in the process.”

How do the insights from Deloitte’s 2024 Human Capital Trends report translate to the transportation, hospitality, and services industry? Sign up below to be the first to receive our companion report when it launches in the coming weeks.

Sign up to receive our 2024 Human Capital Trends companion report

Elevating the frontline workforce experience

Frontline workers far outnumber knowledge workers. Yet in the era of digital transformation, the frontline workers of the world have been largely ignored. Explore our latest insights designed to help transportation, hospitality and services industry companies elevate the frontline worker experience and empower their workforce with the technology, tools, and resources to succeed.

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