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Dbriefs Webcast


Navigating what’s next 

Upcoming webcasts

Taking charge: Manufacturers’ active workforce strategies

As the industry grows, manufacturers are actively investing in attracting and retaining employees, drawing on innovation and an ecosystem approach to help improve the worker experience. Participants will discover various strategies and digital tools that may help guide their business strategies for future success.

Government trends 2024

We’re on the cusp of a governmental renaissance, a time where governments are delivering 10x or exponential improvement across everything from operational efficiency to customer experience to mission outcomes. Deliberate convergence of technology with process, policy, workforce, and regulatory innovations has unleashed unparalleled transformation in the public sector. Our Government trends 2024 webcast focuses on quantum leaps of improvement in public-sector performance. Participants will identify the eight “10x” trends transforming government in 2024. 

Tracking and reducing scope 3 emissions in the chemical industry

Join us for an insightful webcast exploring the evolving chemicals industry. Uncover how convergences in energy, minerals, and agriculture affect scope 3 emissions and chemical companies’ strategies. Learn how to position your business for success in this dynamic landscape. Participants will discover emerging business models, ecosystems, and partnerships and learn to navigate the industry’s complexities.

Energy & Chemicals
June 20
2 p.m. ET
Read more | Register

Smart manufacturing in government contracting

The strategic importance of smart factories is undeniable, as early adopters have reported operating more efficiently and driving more to the bottom line. However, many are still only just getting started.  Please join us for a discussion of the underlying concepts of a smart factory. Participants will identify the benefits that can be unlocked and the challenges for industry and specifically for government contractors.

Restructuring the supply base

As the acceptance and utilization of real-world evidence (RWE) escalates, it is
crucial for biopharmaceutical companies to effectively industrialize their RWE
capabilities to generate more value for their organizations. Participants will formulate a deeper understanding of the key trends influencing the RWE imperative and take away insights to better equip their organizations to harness the full potential of RWE.