Life at Deloitte

Investing in the professional development of veterans

Career Opportunity Redefinition and Exploration

September 5, 2019

Helping veterans to navigate professional development and career success outside the military has been a top priority for Deloitte. This mission was solidified with the creation of the Career Opportunity Redefinition and Exploration (CORE) Leadership Program, a program which assists transitioning military members translate their unique experiences and skills to the world of business.

Terry Bickham, talent managing director, Deloitte Services LP has been a part of CORE since the beginning. Here he shares how the program has evolved over the years and the mission for the future.

Embracing unique strengths and experiences

As part of The White House Joining Forces Initiative, Deloitte committed to doubling veteran hiring over three years, a goal we achieved by 2015. Challenged to do more, we created the CORE Leadership Program in 2013 to help transitioning military service members translate their leadership abilities into a business context.

Terry Bickham

CORE enables veterans to identify their strengths and skills to define their brand, leverage proven career exploration, and networking strategies. This helps them to tell their stories in a way that resonates with others, including potential employers.

The program aims to equip transitioning service members with the resources and tools to select and obtain an ideal career in business. Program activities are designed to enable participants to gain a better understanding of themselves, their career goals, and how to begin the transition to the civilian workforce.

All hands-on deck

CORE has evolved in such a way that it not only benefits transitioning veterans but also has a positive impact on Deloitte professionals and clients who volunteer their time and experience to the program.

We've learned from the response of Deloitte's professionals that this kind of program is very attractive when they consider opportunities to make an impact that matters in their communities and society. Professionals can help directly impact veterans who participate in the program.

More than 500 Deloitte professionals are registered as volunteers to assist with the program, including more than 50 partners, principals, and managing directors. Deloitte clients have also participated in corporate panels, providing transition advice to participants from their perspective as senior executives.

The mission continues

Since 2013 CORE has completed 23 programs, supporting the transition efforts of more than 1200 military veterans. Four times per year, cohorts of 50 veterans have traveled from across the United States to Deloitte University to attend the pro bono program.

As of March 2019, 95 percent of participants who told us they were actively in the job market have found new careers, while 98 percent agreed they could better articulate their skills, experience, and interests to employers.

Are you interested in applying?

Support for CORE participants doesn't end when the program does. Every veteran is assigned an experienced Deloitte professional to provide ongoing resume support after they leave the program. They also have access to a LinkedIn community with more than 1300 members that is maintained to facilitate ongoing networking and comradery.

To be eligible for the CORE Leadership Program, individuals should:

  • Have separated from the armed forces in the past 12 months or be active duty members who will be separating in the next 12 months
  • Have earned a bachelor's degree
  • Have no more than ten years of military service

Interested participants can apply for the CORE Leadership Program via our website.

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