Life at Deloitte

Tapping into neurodiversity

Deloitte joins the Autism@Work movement

April 1, 2019

Autism is a developmental condition that is often characterized by difficulties with social interaction, communication, and hypersensitivity. People living with autism are a part of a larger group of individuals with disabilities that often find it difficult to find employment. Recognizing this untapped talent pool has led Deloitte to collaborate with Specialisterne Foundation to join the Autism@Work movement.

Specialisterne Foundation is an international, social enterprise that pioneered the Autism@Work movement in the US. It has over 75 percent of its workforce diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This collaboration underscores Deloitte’s commitment to diversity and inclusion by focusing on neurodiversity to help create greater access to career opportunities for individuals diagnosed with ASD.

“Our goal is to provide additional recruiting opportunities at Deloitte to a population of people who may have shied away from our traditional recruiting process due to their disability,” shared Kim Renaud, senior manager, Deloitte Services LP. “Specialisterne is well known in the industry when it comes to Autism@Work programs.  Their deep subject matter expertise and client focus have made them a great relationship for Deloitte.”

Shifting perspectives

People with autism possess a wide range of unique skills that can often provide value to the workplace.

In collaboration with Specialisterne, Deloitte will be hosting a four-week assessment program beginning April 1, 2019, at Deloitte's US Delivery Center in Orlando, Florida. At the end of the assessment, a three-month paid internship in Deloitte’s Risk and Financial Advisory practice will be extended to select qualified candidates starting on June 3rd, with the potential for full-time employment.

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